Field Preparations


Tuesday 08 December 2020


09:00 - 17:00



Crit Presentation Mark, Metje, Koen, Sander 8 December 9-17h

During the Crit Presentation, we’ll screen and discuss the Multimodal Portfolio Assignment (MPA). We’ll start the day with a thirty-minute introduction (The Art of Criticism), during which we’ll collectively explore generative forms of providing and receiving feedback.

The structure of the day is as follows: we’ll screen two portfolio’s back to back, after which two student respondents (2 mins each) and two tutors (4 mins each) will provide oral feedback. When your portfolio is screened and discussed, you’re encouraged to listen in and write down any feedback you’ll receive. 

Students who are neither presenting their work nor act as respondents will reflect on the shared pieces in their notebook by exploring these prompts: 

  • How is this work speaking to my project?
  • What can I learn from this particular approach?
  • How does the feedback relate to my own work?
  • How does this highlight our collective principles and philosophies of practice?

At the end of the day, there will be a collective discussion to explore what themes and approaches resonate and keep evolving across the day.