Field Preparations


Monday - Monday 01 - 22 February 2021


Field Reports

Field Report 2 Submit before 15 February Peer reviews before 22 February

Supervisory Group meeting (8-14 February): Prior to the field report, arrange a meeting with the other student members of your “soup group” to share experiences, get feedback, and brainstorm responses to the field reports.

Written Reflections and Logging Data should be shared
in the appropriate “Soup Group” googledoc folder.

Multimodal Materials should be submitted to Pitch2Peer (P2P).
Peer Reviews are due one week later.

Written Reflections: First impressions from the field (500-800 words)

  • What protagonists, themes, topics, and narratives for the project have emerged so far?
  • What are the main concepts that now seem most relevant? Do you need to consider adding new concepts? How are these exemplified in your video footage and other data?
  • What have you done that worked very well and/or that did not work at all? What changes (if any) do you intend to make to your project and research plan as a consequence?

Logging Data: Send an overview of your recorded materials and field journal.

  • Provide an update of your continued efforts to create a media loglist building on your efforts in Field Report 1.
  • Provide an initial index of your field journal organized by date and/or page. Here you should read through your journal and may notations on key terms (names, locations, events, concepts, themes, etc.) and indicate on which dates these get mentioned. These should align with the conventions you use in your media loglists.
    • For example: Protagonist A — January: 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 24, 31; February: 1, 4, 5, 9

Multimodal Materials: First impressions in audiovisual examples

  • Submit 10-12 still images that give an impression of your main themes, topics, and concepts.
  • Submit 2 video sequences (2-4 minutes each) that illustrate one or more of the points covered in your written report.
  • Submit 1-2 sound sequences (2-4 minutes each) that give a sense of the soundscape and/or communicative context.