Pieter de la Courtgebouw

Pieter de la Court
Room: 1A20

Photo framing


Tuesday 06 October 2020


09:00 - 12:00



Photo Tutorial Mark 6 October 9-12h

* Bring a photography camera or a cellphone to make photos (note the apps in preparation page)

In this unit we shift our focus to photography. The composition of your shots will be crucial for conveying relationships between people, objects, and spaces. The tutorial will guide students through a series of exercises that encourages them to explore the photographic frame and the significance of different compositions. These will help students record an impression of material culture and non-verbal interactions that will prepare them for their field studies.

In-Class / Field-trip Exercises

  1. Photo making
    1. Ten elements: Explore the expressive qualities of the image. Try restricting yourself to one location.
      1. Light & Shadow
      2. Lines
      3. Shape, Form
      4. Negative space
      5. Size
      6. Color (WB)
      7. Pattern
      8. Texture
      9. Tonality
      10. Noise
      11. Motion blur
      12. Depth of Field
    2. Ten of One: Make 10 unique shots of 1 discrete subject, changing camera angle, position, perspective, etc.
    3. Four Corners: Choose one subject and photograph it in context, including relevant background. Make photos from each corner of the frame for 4 images. You must change camera-position.
    4. Triad Series: Make two series that build a relationship between images through different framings approaches. Engage two different human subjects (not in our class) with you camera and make the following framing series:
      1. subject: face, hand(s), and an object they are using
      2. situation: context, whole body, detail
  2. Photo captioning: After returning to class, you will be prompted to write captions for some of your photographs (1-3 courtesy of Martin Saxer).
    1. Image Description: describe what is visible in the photograph
    2. Beyond Image: describe what is outside the frame, thus invisible in the photograph
    3. The Gap Between: describe what happened in the space separating 2 photos
    4. Series Captions: Write a single sentence for each of your triad series that describes respectively the subject and the situation.