• Friday 6 September 2019, 13-17h

    Drawing Tutorial: Mark

    Room: SA37

In the tutorial of Module 1 we will do some training to develop drawing skills as one technique to train our vision (and other senses) and get to know our research field.

Drawing can combine text and image as well as facilitate an attunement of your sensory organs; you have to train your eyes and hands to make images, drawing emphasizes this in obvious ways.

Mapping is another way to explore the social, cultural and natural environment of our subjects and explore their trajectories in that space. To understand the position of a place in time and space, comparing archival maps with each other teaches us to think with and through new technical applications in the process of exploring our research site.

In-Class Exercises


  1. Basic Skills,
  2. Attuning Hand & Eye,
  3. Detailed Skills.


  1. Mental Map,
  2. Observed Map,
  3. Participatory Map,
  4. Archival Map.
Mark Drawing
  • Friday 13 September 2019, 13-15h

    Multimodality Seminar: Mark

    Room: SA37

The Seminar will further unpack the definition of Multimodal Anthropology and the way it challenges us to take those different ways of knowing seriously and to try to maintain the ontological status of lived experiences in how we communicate ethnographic research to our audiences and our subjects. This seminar explores the epistemological potential of recording sensory and embodied features of social experience. Extending the learning objectives of the tutorial series, the lecture aims to push students to ethnographically learn to know through these different modalities.


Distribution of Audio Kits

Following the seminar, university audio kits will be distributed to the students in preparation for module 2.

  • Friday 20 September 2019, 9-11h

    Supervisory Groups (Mark, Ildikó, Koen, Federico)

    Workshop RPA1 (Due 10 Sept)
    Room: SA23 Ildikó, 3A50 Koen, 3A43 Mark