• Tuesday 22 October 2019

    DEADLINE: Email RPA3 to your supervisor and group members before 23.59

    Name your assignment: RPA3-FirstnameSurname.docx

Scholarly Review & Key Concepts

(800-1000 words)

Discuss or answer the following questions:

The aim of this assignment is to develop an insight in the academic debate to which you aim to contribute, with the driving question: What is the analytical relevance of this literature for my research topic? In preparation, review the Thesis Proposal guidelines and the sample proposal.

  • Part 1 – Identify a list of key topics and themes relevant to your project. Research the academic usage and debates around these concepts.
  • Part 2 – Prioritize 3 key concepts from part 1 and for each write a short literature review that situates these ideas in conversation (each essay should reference 3-5 sources).
  • Part 3 – Write a concluding paragraph for each key concept that identifies its relevance for your project and how you will use these terms. Mention at least one variable in each text that you will also investigate.

Peer Review

DUE: Read all your group member’s assignments prior to the Supervisory Group session on 25 October and be prepared to share your feedback.

Feedback should consider how well do the concepts reflect the chosen topic and do they have the potential to open up this research in generative and interesting ways?