• Sunday 1 December 2019

    DEADLINE: Upload CRIT4 to P2P by 23:59

    Crit Session – 2 December 2019, 9-17h

CRIT4: Multimodal Portfolio

Students present their multimodal portfolio based on a collection of the Field Study Assignments and Crit outputs and get immediate feedback. The student must actively discuss their work in relation to the following issues:

  1. a personal assessment of the student’s mastery of the various multimodal skills that directly responds to the peer and instructor feedback in P2P and Crit sessions,
  2. a personal reflection on the various methods and modalities and how they have informed the student’s general thinking about how to approach ethnographic research, and
  3. an overview of how the various approaches will be incorporated into their thesis project or otherwise prepares them for their research.

The presentation of the portfolio may be in the form of a slide presentation or a series of clips or excerpts. All modalities should be addressed, but the student may prioritize some over others, particularly as they intend to apply them to their research.

The presentation need not be formal, but it should be thoughtful. Students are encouraged to ask specific questions for group feedback, but should also make an effort to own their individual approach and methodological design. In preparation, it would be a good idea to read back through their personal journals as well as their various metacommentaries to reflect on their personal insights and cumulative growth.

Each student is allocated 25 minutes total, of which half the time is for the student to present and half for feedback. The initial presentation should not exceed 15 minutes. During the subsequent feedback, the instructors will take the lead in responding to these points, commenting on what the student showed, and making suggestions for improvement. As the priority will be on providing feedback to the initial presentation, during the second half of the presentation the presenter should respond only if requested.

Based on 16 presentations, we will follow the following schedule:

  • 09:15 – 10:55 Session 1 (4 students)
  • 11:10 – 12:50 Session 2 (4 students)
  • 13:20 – 15:00 Session 3 (4 students)
  • 15:15 – 16:55 Session 4 (4 students)