• Tuesday 10 September 2019

    DEADLINE: Email RPA1 to the course coordinator [ Markbefore 23.59

    Once supervisory groups are assigned, your assignment will be forwarded to your group.
    All future RPAs should be emailed directly to your assigned supervisor and group members.
    Name your assignment: RPA1-FirstnameSurname.docx

Topic Development

(800-1000 words)

Discuss or answer the following questions:

  • What topic(s) do you have in mind for your own fieldwork?
  • Where would you like to do this research? Be as specific as possible. Make sure your assignment posits a logical connection between the what and the where of your research.
  • Who form exactly your research population?
  • Describe briefly which specific aspects of the lives of your research subjects, place(s) or thing(s) that you are interested in and (if necessary) also mention which aspects of these people, places or things are beyond the scope of your research.
  • What experiences do you have with topic and location?
  • Why have you chosen this topic? Why this population/group? (mention several reasons)
  • What is needed to prepare your entry? (language, contacts, knowledge of research permit, visa procedures, health insurance, letters of recommendation)
  • All students in the VE specialization will be supervised by one of the VE instructors (Mark, Ildikó, Koen, and possibly Federico). Do you have a preference for who is assigned as your thesis supervisor? If you indicate one or more of these individuals, please specify why you think this person would serve you best as a supervisor. For instance, they may have expertise or experience that relates to your topic, theme, and/or ethnographic context.

Peer Review

DUE: The Supervisory Groups will be announced by 18 September and you will need to read all your group member’s assignments prior to the first meeting on 20 September When reading your peers’ assignments, prepare feedback on each one. Feedback should consider what are the most interesting points as well as the most confusing. You should also ask any clarification questions that are not obvious from the assignment. What additional points should the student take into account to ensure the feasibility of the project?