• Tuesday 1 October 2019

    DEADLINE: Upload CRIT1 to P2P by 23:59

    Crit Session — 2 October 2019, 9-15h

This is the first of a series of crit sessions in which the entire
class convenes to view each other’s work and give feedback.

CRIT1: Graphic + Sonic Combo

For CRIT1, you should combine elements from FSA1 and FSA2 to make a graphic-sonic pairing. You are free to decided how to execute this combination, but your piece should be composed as a time-based media projection (max 3 min).

Upload the assignment to P2P the night before the presentation. No peer reviews will be assigned for Crit Presentations. All feedback will happen in class. On the day of the presentations, each student will be allocated about 15 minutes total:

  1. project their presentation (3 min)
  2. peer and instructor feedback (10 min)
  3. author of the piece responds to the comments and/or asks clarification questions (2 min)