• Thursday 14 November 2019

    DEADLINE: Upload CRIT3 to P2P by 23:59

    Crit Session — 15 November 2019, 9-17h

CRIT3: Layout & Design

For CRIT3, you should create a time-based media projection that uses principles of page layout to design the video screen with multiple elements. This may be a simple diptych that pairs two equally size images (possibly still and motion) in a way that complement each other in some way. It may be that you also juxtapose the size of each internal frame or that you use many frames together in ways that combine moving images, still images, drawings, and text. The idea is that you want to put different frames as well as different modalities in relationship to one another to develop more complex insights with your materials. The content, topic, and theme are open to the student’s decision (max 6 min).

Upload the assignment to P2P the night before the presentation. No peer reviews will be assigned for Crit Presentations. All feedback will happen in class. On the day of the presentations, each student will be allocated about 20 minutes total:

  1. project their presentation (6 min)
  2. peer and instructor feedback (12 min)
  3. author of the piece responds to the comments and/or asks clarification questions (2 min)